The Olympiades Apprenti-Sage!

Here’s a fun and brainy weekend activity for families in Montreal, Quebec: the Olympiades Apprenti-Sage, which is taking place on April 8th, from 3pm until 5pm for ages 6 to 11. For ages 11 to 16, another tournament will take place from 6pm until 8pm. All ages are welcome to play from 9am until noon. This is the French language version of the parlour game Playwise, and the tournament will be in French.

The format of the Olympiades is very similar to a debate, but rather than competing to prove one another wrong, players are awarded laurels based on the value of their contributions to the discussion. Apprenti-Sage can also be compared to other well-loved games such as Apples to Apples, or HYPERtheticals, where the most original answer usually wins.

The Olympiades Apprenti-Sage is organized by Dr. George Ghanotakis.  As the founder of the Canadian Institute of Philosophy for Children, George is doing everything he can to popularize philosophy in elementary classrooms with his unique line of books and games. There’s no question why. Educators and parents alike recognise the need for children need to express their thoughts and feelings in constructive ways by participating in meaningful discussions.

Playwise and the Little Books series provide the framework for amusing conversations that delve into a wide range of philosophical questions and hypothetical situations. With regular practice this will improve your child’s memory, develop creativity, and boost his or her confidence. Math and language skills will improve along with the ability to reason independently and evaluate one’s own ideas and actions. It’s also very entertaining to learn about the way our friends’ and family members’ minds are working. Whether in the classroom or around the table at home, these books and games will fire up your mind and leave you with many happy memories.

Critical thinking tools like the games and books developed by Dr. Ghanotakis provide parents and educators with important opportunities to assess the critical thinking skills of children while they play independently or as a group. In one round of Apprenti-Sage, students take turns answering questions, explaining their reasoning, and then invite others to respond. The game encourages kids to think aloud and build on the ideas of others.  It starts simply by asking a question. Any question. Is it ever okay to lie? What would a tree say if it could speak? George says the game has been approved for ages 6 to 106, so bring the family! We hope to see you there.

playwise box

Our yearly Little Big Thinker Contest is based on Playwise and the Little Books of Questions. It’s a small taste of what these great books and games have to offer with a chance to win stuff for the classroom!  The deadline for submissions is May 15th and kids from 5 to 11 are welcome to answer in any format that highlights their strengths and individual talents. Good luck, and have fun!