Monthly Archives: July 2022

Review: Sweet Little You by Joni Halabi

Review: Sweet Little You by Joni Halabi

More and more children’s books these days show different types of families: gay parents, multicultural, biracial, single parent, adoptive, divorced… but, like author Joni Halabi realized, far fewer are about single mothers by choice who conceive using a donor. What did she do to fill this void? She wrote and published Sweet Little You (2022),

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How a Small Canadian Business Impacts Children’s Literature

How a Small Canadian Business Impacts Children’s Literature

Running a small business – especially during a global pandemic – is a unique sort of challenge. Nevertheless, for over 25 years, DC Canada Education Publishing has been developing educational children’s books, games, and music to cater to Canadian and international markets. The quality of our resources and their success in classrooms and homes worldwide

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Review: Dear Rainbow Baby by Samantha Gassman

Review: Dear Rainbow Baby by Samantha Gassman

Whether you have experienced the loss of a child, know someone who has, or simply want to reflect on grief and healing, this book is the one you should read. Dear Rainbow Baby by Samantha Gassman is a heartfelt letter to a future baby after the loss of a child. The book uses free verse

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