Exploring Health and Safety Through Better Behaviour

Exploring Health and Safety Through Better Behaviour

If your kids are bouncing around in the library, munching on dirt and candy 24/7, or even bossing friends and siblings around, you may be looking for an accessible way to discuss appropriate behaviours. We have the solution for you: the Better Behaviour series by PJ Wright. Each of the 12 little books (complete with French and Mandarin translations) addresses one behaviour you may find in your young ones and shows both parent and child how to replace these with healthier solutions.

When Your Piggy Gets the Jiggies

teaches kids that there are appropriate times and places for moving around, and instances where it isn’t safe to hop and stomp everywhere. Piggy learns to distinguish between jiggle spaces and non-jiggle spaces so everyone feels safe and nobody makes a mess!

Keywords: energy, safety

When Your Monster Gets the Munchies

addresses healthy eating habits and shows how kids can replace junk foods with better snacks. Join Monster as he learns to pick good foods and use manners so eating becomes a healthier and more pleasant activity for Monster and those around him!

Keywords: healthy eating

When Your Monkey Gets the Junkies

focuses on cleanliness and teaches kids to pick up after themselves, use only what they need, and throw things out where they belong. Follow Monkey as she discovers that everyone is happier when their environment isn’t messy!

Keywords: cleanliness, recycling

When Your Bunny Gets the Blabbers

shows kids that there are times for talking and being loud, but other times it’s more respectful and kind to be quiet, without discouraging children from finding their voices. Bunny learns to notice when his talking could upset others and finds ways to stay busy without being noisy!

Keywords: indoor voice, quiet time

When Your Bumble Gets the Grumbles

shows kids that being angry and lashing out at those around you isn’t nice or fair, even if you’re in a bad mood. Bumble finds out that his grumpiness hurts his friends and finds solutions to replace negative emotions with positive ones.

Keywords: negative emotions, anger

When Your Beaver Gets the Bossies

teaches children that bossing friends around isn’t fun for anyone, without discouraging leadership or organized play. Beaver learns to take some time to breathe, listen, and think before acting on his impulses so everyone can have a turn being a leader!

Keywords: taking turns, bossy

When Your Hippo Gets the Huggies

teaches kids an important lesson about consent and personal space. Follow Hippo as she discovers that not everyone likes to be hugged or poked all the time, and that asking for permission makes everyone feel more comfortable!

Keywords: boundaries, consent

When Your Beetle Gets the Greedles

teaches kids to treat others and their things with respect. Hoarding toys and taking games from friends before they finish using them isn’t fun for anyone. Watch as Beetle learns that greediness hurts others, but sharing makes everyone feel better!

Keywords: sharing, respect

When Your Weasel Gets the Sneezles

shows kids how going out when you’re sick spreads germs and puts others at risk. Join Weasel as she realizes that staying home and focusing on getting better means everyone will be safer and can play in a clean environment!

Keywords: health, sickness, germs

When Your Dragon Gets the Drowsies

shows kids that everyone gets tired, but that acting out angrily or violently hurts others and doesn’t help you get to sleep faster. Join Dragon as he learns to relax before bed and fall asleep happily.

Keywords: grumpy, sleeping habits

When Your Gator Gets the Grabbers

teaches kids to share, take turns, and choose toys that aren’t in use. Follow Gator as he learns not to hog toys or steal games from other kids, and replace those behaviours with ones that are fair and make everyone happy!

Keywords: sharing, taking turns

When Your Dino Gets the Downers

introduces kids to sadness and shows how lashing out doesn’t help make the negative emotions disappear. Dino learns to interpret his feelings, share them with friends and family, and engage in happy activities to work through the sadness.

Keywords: depression, emotion

These 12 books are excellent first steps to talk to your kids about mental health, physical health, taking care of yourself, respecting others, and taking care of the environment. They were conceived with children in mind, especially those with learning disabilities and other disabilities. See more on learning disabilities in this blog post and check out our interview with the author here.